Leiria Portugal

Work in Leiria Portugal

Leiria is a city located in central Portugal, known for its historical landmarks, beautiful beaches, and thriving manufacturing industry. The city has a rich history and is home to several historic monuments, including the Leiria Castle and the Gothic cathedral of Sé de Leiria.

In terms of employment opportunities, Leirias economy is primarily driven by manufacturing, particularly in the areas of textiles, plastics, and machinery. There are also opportunities in the technology and services sectors, as the city has a growing number of startups and service-based businesses.

Major employers in Leiria include textile companies such as JMA and TMG Automotive, plastics manufacturers like Simoldes and Inplastec, and machinery companies such as Quimimolde and Olmar. In addition, technology companies like Blip and WeDo Technologies also have a presence in the city.

Overall, Leiria offers a range of job opportunities in various industries, making it an attractive location for job seekers and businesses alike.

Leiria Portugal

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You are uploading this information to Stripe, so they can validate you, which in turn builds trust for potential customers. This enhances the payment framework and yourself as a result, building another tier of trust and reputation inside our marketplace.
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In the first instance, please contact us so we can discuss and understand your concerns.

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