Vila Nova de Gaia Portugal

Work in Vila Nova de Gaia Portugal

Vila Nova de Gaia is a city located on the south bank of the Douro River in northern Portugal, directly opposite the city of Porto. It is well-known for its historic port wine cellars, which produce and store the regions famous port wine.

As for employment opportunities, Vila Nova de Gaias economy is heavily focused on the wine industry, with a large number of port wine cellars and wineries operating in the area. The city also has a thriving tourism industry, as visitors are drawn to the port wine cellars, as well as the citys beautiful beaches and historic sites.

Major employers in Vila Nova de Gaia include several large port wine producers, such as Taylors, Sandeman, and Ferreira, all of which offer tours of their cellars and tasting experiences. The city also has a significant services sector, with companies like Sitel, a provider of customer experience management solutions, and Teleperformance, a provider of contact center services, operating in the area. In addition, there are several manufacturing companies in the city, such as Cork Supply Portugal, which produces wine corks, and Amorim, which manufactures cork products.

Overall, Vila Nova de Gaia offers a range of job opportunities in the wine industry, as well as in tourism, services, and manufacturing. Its strong focus on port wine production and tourism, combined with its location near Porto, make it an attractive location for job seekers and businesses alike.

Vila Nova de Gaia Portugal

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